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Small Groups

Small Groups are the heartbeat of our ministry and where we believe your student has the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth!

Small groups begin in 6th grade and are divided by school.

Each small group has one or two KLIFE volunteers (college age or older) or a KLIFE staff member leading it. The volunteer has been through an interview process with a staff member, has been background checked, and has signed a commitment to follow Christ in their own life. The groups are assembled according first to gender, then by groups of friends possibly covering a couple of grades, but are purposeful in bringing groups of kids together to build relationships.

A small group meets once a week and studies the Bible or a biblically-based book keeping in line with the KLIFE curriculum. The time they meet is determined by the leader of the group based on when everyone is able to get together.

Join or Start a Small Group

For information about girls small groups, email Anna Albright ( or Alaina Hurst (

For information about boys small groups, email Keaton Mannebach (

If you haven’t already, fill out the ‘24-’25 KLIFE Wavier and be sure to indicate your student is interested in joining a small group at the bottom of the form. Small groups typically start the month of September each year, but it’s never too late to join! Email with any questions you may have.




OKC KLIFE gathers weekly for klubs for 3rd-12th graders.

SUPER K (3rd-5th graders): every Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm.

MIDDLE SCHOOL (6th-8th graders): every Tuesday from 6:30-7:45pm.

HIGH SCHOOL KLUB (9th-12th graders): 1st Sunday of every month - high school event / 3rd Sunday of every month - high school klub

 Thank you so much for entrusting your children to OKC KLIFE. Your children are a highlight of our week and we love getting to spend time with them at klub, small groups, and fun events. In order for your children to participate in any KLIFE activity or event, they must have a current liability waiver on file. We ask that you follow the link below and fill out the liability waiver BEFORE your child attends the next KLIFE event. Thank you so much for your diligence in this so that we can continue to partner with you as you disciple your students.

“KLIFE Small Groups are the highlight of our week! We love meeting with students and getting to share the good news of Jesus with them, while also getting to share our lives with them! We are so grateful for the impact that KLIFE has!” - College Leader